Winter Holiday Ornaments Sale

The end of the Gregorian calendar year is upon us. Home ornaments are up for sale soon in the Upland Store. Players created some fantastic ornament designs for the community to vote on. The winning entries are going to be sold in the Upland Store for all of us to begin decorating our homes for the winter holiday. Know that when purchasing these awesome designs you are in fact directly supporting the designer. As part of the sale, 70% of the proceeds will be given to the designers themselves!

Before you decide which ornament you want to purchase, read what some of the designers have to say about their designs. In the designer’s post you can see more detailed images of their designs. Also, don’t forget to join the Upland Guide Discord Server – over the coming weeks we will be giving away some of these awesome ornaments. Make sure to check into our giveaways channel to enter the contests.

The Upland Guide believes that there will be a content similar to the one held during Halloween where the neighborhood which has the most buildings decorated with ornaments will will prizes. Take that into consideration when you are buying these awesome house ornaments.

The winning home designs.