The Wood Hood is a node in Sherwood Forest, Detroit. The node is ran by John-Henry from SSFTG and is shown and talked about on the SSFTG YouTube page. Our primary focus, akin to the tales of Robin Hood, is to band together to make a difference both in and out of the metaverse.
Tools for Upland iOS/Android app:
- Collection optimizer to maximise your UPX revenues
- Nearest sends list
- Properties list and CSV Export
- Find the cheapest/fasted travel route between Upland cities
As the biggest 🏗️ Metafacturing 🏗️ company in Upland, UCC has a pipeline of projects for our Spark Contractors that is YEARS long. We have building projects contracted that will keep your Spark working well into Q4 2022.
Whether you have .01 or 10 Spark we can help you...
La comunidad de Winnetka se enfoca en ayudar a los jugadores de habla hispana en Upland para crear una comunidad dentro del metaverso. Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Los Ángeles donde creceremos juntos en el Metaverso de Upland.
Our Node helps the Spanish speaking players in Upland to create a community in the metaverse. Our node is located in Los Angeles, which means a bigger exposure for our players’ businesses and networking with projects from other communities.
If you are looking for a cool Block Explorer or if you look for a place to sell yours for a very low commission, come visit xolem's shop located 350 E FORDHAM RD, Bronx