Your first step in Upland is to become an Uplander. To do this you much reach a net worth of 10,000 UPX. Most people starts out with 4,500 UPX*. It’s important to note that as a visitor, you are restricted from participating in all the aspects that this game has to offer. Specifically, you are unable to sell a property you own, or purchase a property from other players until you reach Uplander status. The only way to own properties is by minting them. The Upland Guide has promotions for players who use our referral code. This can help you greatly as you start your life in the metaverse. If you did not sign up with our referral code, send us a message (blue button in the bottom right corner) or message YK2012 in game and we will try our best to help you out!

Spark week is an excellent time to join Upland, as leveling up to a new status (uplander, pro, director, etc.) will provide you with bonus spark. Watch our video to learn more about spark week. As a new player you should also take a look at these common mistakes to avoid as a new player. Once you become an Uplander, we highly recommend verifying your identity through the KYC process (know your customer). There are number of aspects to the metaverse that are only available to players who verify their identity. Learn more about those here.

* If you started out with 6,000 UPX chances are you used a referral code from Brave, Womplay, or a different promotion. Note that by signing up with Upland Guide, we provides better bonuses which you can read about here.

Underneath this video is the detailed ways to get to Uplander status. Upland’s missions can also help you to learn the basic mechanics and earn UPX as a new player. There are a lot of tips and tricks players should know to help them complete the mission, and you can learn about those here. Also watch this video to learn how to find cheap FSA properties to mint in Upland. FSA properties are exclusively reserved for visitors and Uplanders, and are typically the cheapest properties to mint. The act of minting a property is being the first person to buy it. Properties that are not FSA can be minted by anyone, so don’t be confused that as a new player you must only purchase FSA. Learn more about FSA properties and their restrictions here.

If you find these basic and general methods not relevant to your initial starting point in the Metaverse, we offer professional portfolio consultations to help you get started your way. Learn more about the consulting services we provide here.

Looking ahead, read here about the strategies of how to reach pro (100,000 UPX net worth) and director (1,000,000 UPX net worth)