Missions Explained

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Completing Upland’s starter missions is a great way to not only learn more about Upland, but also to earn UPX. By starting this course before you join Upland, you will be set up to succeed in the metaverse and reach Uplander status for free, if you so choose.

This course will give you the supplemental information required beyond what is explained in the in game missions themselves. Beyond that, this course is structured in a way that guides you through the missions in the most logical order to help you understand Upland better, and maximize your UPX earnings as a beginner. By completing all of these missions, you will earn a total of 16,400 UPX.

This course is meant to accelerate your learning about all topics in Upland while finding a balance when it comes to course length, and the amount of details provided in each topic. If your goal is to ensure you have a detailed understanding of the topic, check out the materials tab on each page to be linked to more detailed information on the Upland Guide website, as well as our YouTube channel. Below is our playlist that has detailed explanations on the topics covered in this course.

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