Winnetka Barrio Latino Node
Listing Category
Short Description
La comunidad de Winnetka se enfoca en ayudar a los jugadores de habla hispana en Upland para crear una comunidad dentro del metaverso. Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Los Ángeles donde creceremos juntos en el Metaverso de Upland.
Our Node helps the Spanish speaking players in Upland to create a community in the metaverse. Our node is located in Los Angeles, which means a bigger exposure for our players’ businesses and networking with projects from other communities.
Our Node helps the Spanish speaking players in Upland to create a community in the metaverse. Our node is located in Los Angeles, which means a bigger exposure for our players’ businesses and networking with projects from other communities.
Business/Community Description
Video tutorials in Spanish, on-boarding assistance for new players, tips on how to become a better treasure hunter, assistance with building constructions, and a supporting community.
Tutoriales de videos en español, asistencia de incorporación para nuevos jugadores, consejos sobre cómo convertirse en un mejor cazador de tesoros, asistencia con la construcción de edificios y una comunidad que te apoya.