POAP stands for Proof Of Attendance Protocol, and is pronounced “poh-ap”. At its foundation, a POAP is an NFT – a unique token that is written on the blockchain. POAPs are native to the Ethereum blockchain, but are done in a way that the costs of minting, or producing them are negligible. POAPs are given away for free and are used to commemorate an event that you attend (physically or virtually). Whether it be a class reunion, award show, movie premier or more.

It basically allows you to provide badges to people who participate in your event. The idea is to enable a new way of keeping long lasting records of life experiences. What better time than Genesis Week for the Upland Guide to issue its first POAP. Here is a link to the Upland Guide’s first POAP. It will be distributed to people in person at the Genesis Week festivities live in Las Vegas. Just make sure to meet me in person, say hi, and you will get the link to claim it! In order to claim it, enter in your Ethereum wallet address. If you don’t have one that’s OK. It can also be claimed with an email address and minted at a later date. If you are looking to open an Ethereum wallet, we recommend MetaMask. If this is your first introduction to crypto wallets, we recommend reading this page, which will also walk you through opening up a MetaMask wallet.

This is only our first POAP, and not our last. There will be opportunities in the future to claim additional POAPs through participation in future Upland Guide virtual events.