If you earned Sparklet in Upland and you are looking to sell it, you will have to transfer it to the Ethereum blockchain through your Metamask wallet. Learn everything you need to know about Sparklet here.
Follow the steps below to learn how to transfer your Sparklet out of Upland. If you want to learn how to bridge your Sparklet into Upland, check out this page.
Learn everything you need to know about Sparklet in our free beginners course!
If you happen to be stuck and unable to transfer your Sparklet out of Upland, it might be due to the fact that have not met the staking requirements. For any amount of Sparklet earned or purchased within Upland. You must stake your Sparklet for a minimum of 30 days in the 3 months previous to the past 30 days at the time of reclaim. This wording is quite confusing, and the video below explains it in better details.
With your Sparklet in your MetaMask wallet, you can then transfer it to one of the exchanges that support the trading of Sparklet:
- Mexc – use our referral code here.
- BitGet – use our referral code here.
- Gate.io
- Uniswap