The Upland Championship Circuit will culminate during Genesis Week (appx 2nd week of June). This race will pit the top ranked racers who’ve accumulated the most points on the official championship circuit leaderboard against each other. Points are awarded each season, as players compete to climb the leaderboards. The top 12 ranked players at the end of each season will be awarded points that contribute to your ranking for the Championship Circuit. Note that for the 2024 season, only S1 racecars are eligible for the Championship Circuit. The Championship Circuit will consist of 2 semi final races and one finals – meaning only the top 12 ranked players will participate in this competition.

Learn more about Upland’s Racing Series and the prizes any racer can win.

At the end of each season, the top 12 racers will receive points as follows:

  • 1st Place: 30 points
  • 2nd Place: 25 points
  • 3rd Place: 20 points
  • 4th Place: 18 points
  • 5th Place: 15 points
  • 6th Place: 12 points
  • 7th Place: 10 points
  • 8th Place: 8 points
  • 9th Place: 6 points
  • 10th Place: 4 points
  • 11th Place: 2 points
  • 12th Place: 1 point

The prizes have yet to be announced, but Upland said “As Genesis Week approaches, we’ll reveal the prizes that await the champions. These rewards will be the most coveted and valuable, reserved for the top victors. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon.”

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