Below is a list of car models produced at the MV Motors Manufacturing plant at 1440 Network Circle in Santa Clara, California. The statistics shown in the table below are the ‘as manufactured’ parameters. It is not only possible, but likely that these statistics can change over time – just like in the real world, in general a used car will not perform as well as a new car. Whether you are looking to compare different car models for racing, or to strategize for a fleet for your delivery business, this table is a good initial point to begin your research and comparisons.

Note that in the model names, ‘R’ refers to a rare model, and ‘E’ refers to exclusive. The rarer the models, the better their ‘as manufactured’ parameters, and the original mint price is reflected by the rarity.

ModelOff road rating (/100)Durability rating (/100)Reliability Rating (/100)Energy Efficiency rating (/100)Handling (/100)Braking (/100)Acceleration (/100)Speed rating (/100)Horsepower (HP)Weight (kg)DrivetrainWheelsSeatsCargo Capacity (L)
Series 1 Genesis113534152625689210252279AWD42340
Series 1 FIFA113534152424669010202279AWD42340
Series 1 R11353415242465891202279AWD42340
Series 1 E11353417242462848552215AWD42430
Series 111353418242459816702166AWD42340
Series V Artisan63576740152141554032890AWD4121767
Series V Passenger535767411521354831428102WD4
Series V Cargo535767411521385137225702WD4
Series V E63576740152141554032890AWD4121767
Series 2 R51468160182252684682388AWD45640
Series 2 E464681581822486540223422WD4
Series 2464681581822456235522062WD4
Series 4 R78627544202147615902219AWD451167
Series 4 E78627546202145585322092AWD451167
Series 4646275472021435548920492WD451167
Series T R928879352220456150529484WD462260
Series T FIFA928879332220426550530084WD461860
Series T E928879342220425746826244WD462260
Series T838879342220405342625012WD462260
Series S E1891691112927436707893AWD1020

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