Participating in Sparklet Warz will require players to attack and defend differently decorated structures, or super structures. Cannons and karts are used to attack structures, and chests are used for defense.
These weapons only have utility for players who are participating in Sparklet Warz and whose faction matches that of the weapon. This means that there can be decoy items around the map that don’t actually attack/defend.
In future rounds of Sparklet Warz, different items will have different attack/defense multipliers.
Cannons are Upland map assets that reduce the score of enemy structures within a 25-meter radius by 25%. If multiple cannons target the same score source, their effects stack incrementally based on the remaining score after each reduction.
For example, the second cannon reduces the score by 25% of the already reduced amount, and so on.
A single cannon can only target one scoring source (ornament or completed super structure) within its radius, prioritizing the earliest-placed scoring source first.
The Kart is the ultimate weapon and the rarest of all Sparklet Warz assets. It reduces all opponent structures’ points to zero, within its 30 meter radius, and is completely unaffected by offensive or defensive map assets, making it a devastating tool of chaos.
These items are also karts that can be used during racing. Learn more about racing karts.
Chests are map assets and neutralize the effects of cannons that affect scoring items within the chests’ 22 meters radius. The most impactful cannon (highest multiplier) is neutralized first. If multipliers are tied, the most recent cannon is neutralized.
A single chest can neutralize one cannon per scoring item (a property with a structure ornament or a completed super structure that contributes points to your faction) within its radius.
For example:
- If two cannons are targeting the same scoring item, only one will be neutralized.
- If two cannons are targeting different scoring items within the chest’s radius, both will be neutralized.