Upland is one of many play to earn games – a new type of gaming made possible by the blockchain where players can earn rewards and even money in the games that they play. One of the best thing about Upland is that its an excellent way to get your feet wet in this new emerging technology without having any previous knowledge or understanding of the blockchain, NFTs or cryptocurrencies. It’s also a ton of fun! Part of Dale the Llama’s mission is to “expose players to the blockchain, NFTs, and these new technologies that will become a daily part of our real lives”.

With Upland’s licensing agreement with the NFL Players Association to distribute Legits, Stella Artois’ partnership with Zed Run – a blockchain horse racing game, Visa buying a cryptopunk for $150,000, Crypto.com buying naming rights to the Staples Center, and endless other examples it is becoming more clear that brands and businesses are embracing this new technology full force.

NFTs are just one way to use the blockchain. NFTs are unique digital assets, and in the future you can expect that any ticketed event will issue tickets as NFTs. The NFL is already beginning to attach NFTs to game tickets as commemorative digital tokens. Moreover you can expect in the future that real world homes will be sold using blockchain technology. Essentially any type of contract can be created on the blockchain. Art and collectibles are not the only use cases.

If you aren’t aware of those headlines or other newsworthy things happening in this space, no need to panic; you have not arrived late. Whether you are a creator, an investor, a hobbyist or anything else, there is an abundance of opportunities for you. There are a number of places we recommend to get started to learn. Searching terms like NFTs, blockchain, metaverse in Twitter or google can send you down some deep rabbit holes.

The most important piece of advice Dale the Llama can give you before getting started is to do you own research. Dale is not here to tell you what to do, but to guide you in some directions to learn more. One advantage of utilizing the blockchain is that it enables proof of ownership.

Dale the Llama and the Upland Guide are not financial advisers. We encourage you to do your own research before investing any money in any NFT project, cryptocurrencies and games, including Upland. We advise against investing more money you are willing to lose. Having said that, Dale believes that there is no better way to learn, than to do. Open a wallet, buy an NFT, maybe even make your own. Getting a feel for the technology and trying it out is no different than learning how to make a tweet, or utilizing hashtags properly in your Instagram post. Learning the ropes now can set you up for success in the future as the technology advances.

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