If you are looking to get your hands on some of the original and rarest block explorers, look no further than Dale’s OG Explorer Shop in the OG Genesis City – San Francisco. Located in the South of Market neighborhood just north-west of the train station, we are the best place to list some of Upland’s first block explorers.

To learn how to list your block explorer in our shop, learn how to sell as a sub-merchant, or ask us a question in Discord. In addition to the inventory description below, you can view a complete list of block explorers and you can easily browse and filter which block explorers can be found in which Upland Guide metaventures.

Permitted Shop Inventory

  • Any block explorer minted before 2022 (not including one-of-one director block explorers)

If you are looking for something different, please check out Dale’s other block explorer shops, and the Upland Guide Metaverse Directory for other stores. If you have any questions, reach out to us on Discord, or send us an email.

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