The 2020 NFL players Upland Legits are unique in that they are the first Upland Legits in existence. Prior to the sale of the Legits, Upland held a YouTube presentation introducing the basic concept of how the Legits will work. For the first release, a discounted price was provided on the packs, as seen below.

The concept of “Fan Score” was explained and that owning more Legits, and those of higher quality (superstar vs. essential, regular season vs post season) will give you a higher Fan Score, which would give you a better chance at getting Mementos in the 2021 season.

Below is a table describing the scope of the inaugural sale of Upland Legits.

Sale Price (USD)Quantity SoldCards/packImpact PlayerImpact Player MementoSuperstar PlayerSuperstar Player MementoGame Ball
Essentials Pack12 (10*)25001010
Game Pack80 (65*)10001091very small chance
Superstar Pack230 (185*)1501091small chance
Postseason Pack450 (360*)3601091small chance
Postseason Superstar Pack1300 (1040*)101091small chance

* The first sale of Legits packs were limited to the number of packs listed in the table above at a discounted price (appx 20%). The sale occurred on September 16, 2021.

Upland also released a comprehensive list of inventory, player list, probabilities, and fan points of the 2020 Legits. It can be viewed here

Read more about the different types of Legits and their functionality, and how we can expect team collections and Essential merging to be beneficial.

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