FSA properties can be the best way to get started in the Upland metaverse. Learn more about why you need a property here. FSA stands for Fair Start Act. This is in place to ensure that new players have a fair opportunity to also grow in Upland. Anyone with a net worth of over 100,000 UPX (pro, director, executive and chief executive) are unable to mint these properties. They are however able to purchase them on the secondary market from uplanders who are able to purchase them at base mint price from Upland. These properties can be found in all cities, most neighborhoods and collections. See the picture below to understand how to identify all types of properties in Upland, and click here to understand why some players are in the market for buying these FSA properties.

  1. Light blue: Property owned by a different player and not for sale.
  2. White: Properties not available for minting by any player.
  3. Grey: Property unminted, but out of range. Move your block explorer closer and you can mint it. Property with FSA marker can only be minted by visitors and Uplanders.
  4. Light green: Property unminted, but in range of your block explorer. Visitors and Uplanders can mint any light green property, while players of all other status cannot mint light green properties that are marked FSA.
  5. Dark green: Property owned by another player and for sale. Anyone can purchase this property immediately, even if it is marked as FSA.
  6. Dark Blue: Property owned by you.

Uplanders who are able to mint properties in collection neighborhoods, or neighborhoods in high demand will likely see the best return if they sell the property. Participating in a new city release is an excellent way to be able to grow your net worth as a new player. There are still an abundance of FSA properties in many cities still available. Watch this video to learn how to mint cheap FSA properties.

Since there is a large percentage of players who cannot buy FSA properties, there is less competition over them. In addition to that, players with Uplanders typically don’t have a ton UPX on hand leaving more quality FSA properties for more players. Different tiered cities have different amounts of FSA properties. Using the city tier systems, the number of FSA properties in a city can range anywhere from 13% – 70%. Cities that have 70% FSA properties are designated as starter cities.

FSA Restrictions

So far FSA properties seem like a great idea, and they are. However they can become a double edge sword. Each player can only sell (and set a listing) for 2 FSA properties each week. The week resets on 12AM Sunday GMT. The same is true for trading. Once an FSA property is bought, sold or traded, it loses its FSA status. This restriction holds true regardless of the player’s status within the game.

This means that it could potentially become difficult to grow exponentially as an Uplander. For example, if you own a 3,000 UPX property and sell two of them at 2X its value, you make 5,700 UPX that week (after factoring the upland sale fee). Chances are during that week the the cheapest FSA properties have now risen in value and with the 5700 UPX you just made you are only able to purchase one new property. This can become a vicious cycle of slow growth or you getting to the point where the properties you own aren’t selling. At some point you might realize that your only way to continue to grow is to buy UPX. Even if you wait for the next city to be released, you might not have enough UPX to participate and mint enough properties to can be sold for a large markup.

Over a players lifetime, you are only able to mint 10 FSA properties. In addition, there is a daily minting restriction of 3 FSA properties – so make sure to choose wisely!

Another restriction is on your ability to sell the property for USD. regardless of your Upland status, a minted FSA property must be held by the owner for 6 months before you have the ability to list it for sale for USD. Learn more about the restrictions for USD sales below.

Alternatively, if you are able to mint a valuable collection property and sell it for over 10X, you have created more options for yourself. You can buy several FSA properties, hold on to that money and wait for the next city to release. Another strategy is to buy a much larger FSA property that if sold for a good markup can get you the fast growth you are looking for.

In many situations it is advantageous to own a mix of FSA and non FSA properties. This gives you more flexibility as the non FSA property can be listed for sale without restriction. If you are taking part in a new city release and there are equally valued FSA and non FSA properties, you shoud go for the non FSA property first for this very reason. If you are looking to buy a property where a large part of the neighborhood is still for sale, if the price of the FSA properties are close to the floor price on the secondary market, you can expect selling your property on the market to be tough. It might make most sense to wait for the next city release to find better purchasing opportunities.

Typically during a new city release, all the best properties are minted very quickly – including FSA properties, starting with the cheapest on the market. As time goes on the minimum price for a minted property will rise. If your goal is to sell the FSA properties you mint consider the following:

  • If you participate in a new city release and are able to mint many of the cheapest FSA properties, this is great. It may take you a while to sell them, but you can expect the floor to rise. These properties are great for players who want to expand their treasure hunting network. You may not sell them for a huge profit, but the markup percentage might be nice. The longer you hold these properties, the more likely you are to increase your profit.
  • If you mint valuable collection properties you can expect to sell them for a nice profit, regardless of when you sell them.
  • Minting collection properties are not always the best strategy. At the new city release, minting collection properties, and cheap ones are always a good strategy. Minting Standard and Limited collection properties days or even weeks after the city release may not be a good strategy if your intention is to get a quick sale. In this situation, there is likely an abundance of these properties for sale, including ones that are cheaper than your mint price. It might be a hard sell.

Read here why players are in the market for purchasing FSA properties off of Uplanders.