New city releases are exciting and provide lots of opportunity for massive growth – especially as an uplander. Read here how to prepare for a new city release and some basic strategies.

Even if you have participated in other city releases before, everyone is prone to make mistakes. If this is your first new city release, Dale the Llama recommends reading this page that describes the entire new city release process and clarifies a number of frequently asked questions about the topic. Alternatively take our quiz to make sure you are prepared. Here are the Upland Guide’s top 5 mistakes to avoid.

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  1. Game speed: This one is really easy to fix. New city releases are a race, so you want to be able to mint properties as fast as possible. Make sure you turn off the following settings to ensure that the game runs as fast and smooth as possible:
    • Show other exploreres
    • Show ownership celebration
    • Show 3D objects
    • Enhanced graphics
  2. Not beginning with maximum sends: Before you travel to the new city in preparation for the release, make sure you maximize your sends. The last thing you want is for your block explorer to be stuck wandering around without the ability to send yourself somewhere else because you forgot to collect sends. Learn more about send and visits here. If you do forget, you are able to purchase 10 sends for $1 from the Upland store.
  3. Wasting time by sending: If you see an area that is quickly being minted and you want to mint properties there as well, you must send yourself to an already minted property. By the time your block explorer arrives, the other players have continued to mint and they probably minted the property you wanted! If you need to use a send to get yourself somewhere popular chances are you are two steps behind. On top of that, you probably just wasted a send. There is an element of luck in new city releases. It can be a big reward if you do get what you are looking for, but the risk of time wasted could mean you miss out on other opportunities.
  4. Buying only FSA properties: FSA properties are an excellent feature in Upland. They ensure that new players have properties that only they can mint. This prevents players with much larger net worth and cash on hand from buying entire neighborhoods. For uplanders, if you see two neighboring properties of equal value but one is an FSA and the other is not, your preference should be to mint the non-FSA one first. It will not be bound by the selling restrictions.
  5. Spending all your money: Don’t get carried away. There will always be more properties to buy. You will never have enough money. Think long term – there will be new cities, and you will want to buy properties there too. It’s nice to grow quickly, but grow at the pace that your wallet will allow. Also always have some UPX on hand if you see a deal that you can’t pass up.

If these tips are too basic for you, your next step is to learn more! Watch this video below for some more advanced tips!

Beginner Bonus Tip

If you are selling FSA properties, you are only able to sell 2 ever week. In addition to the sales restriction, you can only mint 3 FSA properties each day. If your goal is to sell all your FSA properties it could take a while. If you are making deals with other players, beware of this restriction, and make sure that they are not taking advantage of you. Lets say if you mint a property for 1500 UPX and sell it at a 200% markup (1,350 UPX profit after seller fees), it doesn’t leave you a great opportunity for quick growth. Factor this in to your strategy. Make sure you also benefit from any deal. Read here about why players would buy FSA properties on the secondary market.

If you are just joining the Upland Metaverse, we highly recommend investing some money, even if it is $5 or $10. The more UPX you start with in a new city release reduces your dependency on others. If you miss out on the prime real estate, it could take you several weeks of flipping these FSA properties to grow. Check out the bonuses that the Upland Guide provides when you join Upland with our referral link.