Carnival is a huge event in Brazil, and now in the Upland Metaverse. Upland’s first partnership in Brazil is with the Mangueira Samba School, which is one of the top samba schools that competes in Carnival. Structure home ornaments and block explorers were sold in game through the Mangueira partnership. In addition to this, players competed in a structure ornament design competition, with the winning designs being sold in game, and the creators earnings 70% of the revenue from sales.

Block explorer example
Structure ornament example

Upland has integrated 3D avatars from Ready Player Me into the metaverse. This is an important building block for what will likely be a sale of 3D wearable costumes that your avatar can wear. Learn more about these 3D avatars, and your digital identity in Upland.

Ahead of Carnival, we can expect a number of new partnerships in addition to the one with Mangueira. This page will be updated as more announcements are made. Watch the video below to learn more about what is upcoming, and my prediction for the next city release.

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