Upland, the leading blockchain-based metaverse platform, has announced a groundbreaking integration with MetaMask, the most popular non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet. This integration allows users to purchase UPX, the native token of Upland, directly from their MetaMask wallets, eliminating the need for any intermediaries.

The integration of MetaMask with Upland is a major step forward for web3 and the metaverse. It makes it easier for people to participate in the metaverse and it helps to bridge the gap between web3 and the traditional world. This is just the beginning, and we can expect to see more and more integrations like this in the future.

As Upland is leading the way with metaverse interoperability, and with the introduction of the Sparklet token on Ethereum, this Metamask integration is just one of the necessary building blocks in creating a smooth user experience for both web3 native people and the traditional world.

Currently, players are able to download their block explorers to Ethereum, but we can expect all other Upland assets to follow suit in the near future.


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