There are so many things to do in Upland, and the Metaverse is still growing! This place can become overwhelming for new players, especially when you are just getting started. Even veteran players may not have the time or the UPX to do everything the Metaverse has to offer. This is why it is important, especially as a new player to formulate a strategy. Below is a checklist of questions to ask yourself before getting started. By asking yourself these questions it should help to narrow down the strategy you should adopt. Upland’s slogan is play, earn, connect, so now is also a good opportunity to learn about how to earn by playing Upland. If you have any further questions, reach out to Dale the Llama on our discord server.

  • Are you going to be playing for free, or do you plan on investing money? Do you plan on investing a one time amount, or do you plan on having a periodic budget?
  • Are you supporting your home country in the FIFA World Cup in Qatar? Learn more about how to support your team, and win some fantastic prizes by collecting Legits.
  • Are you a collector? Do you have an affinity for properties, Legits, cars, or block explorers?
  • Is there a specific city you plan on calling your home in the Metaverse?
    Here are a list of all the cities in Upland and their property availability.
  • Are you a football fan? Read about NFL player legits here. If American football isn’t your thing then there are also football (soccer) legits!
    Upland is a distributor of NFL player NFTs. You can collect NFTs of your favorite team or player. You might even get one autographed!
    • Are you a casual player, or do you plan on competing to reach the top of the leader board? Do you have the UPX required to compete?
      Completing one team’s collection can cost you at least 100,000 UPX. This would likely be the starting point on beginning to compete for the top spot on the leaderboard.
      It might make sense to have your home city be the city of your favorite team.
  • Do you have lots of time?
    • Do you like games?
      A great way to earn is by treasure hunting. It’s a skill that you can develop and you can find UPX and spark. This is something that you can spent time every day doing in Upland.
    • Are you interested in becoming part of the Metaverse community?
      Upland is a social game – connect with people in the official Upland Discord server or find a communities through the Upland Guide Discord server, or our directory. It’s not always what you know, but who you know.
  • Are you a car fanatic? Do you like racing games?
    • You will be able to train block explorers as your car drivers in an exciting play to earn car racing game within Upland. Learn more about car racing here.
    • Beyond car racing, there will be many types of Metaventures that will be needed to support cars and car racing – body shops, block explorer shops, etc. There are plenty of opportunities to create an economic business model in order to support a large aspect of the game. Learn more about the car economy here.
  • Are you a creator? Do you know how to create videos, 3D models, or are you an artist?
  • Are you an entrepreneur or a salesperson?
    • Upland is the entrepreneur’s metaverse. You can open up your own metaventures where you can sell things like Legits, block explorers, and more for commission. Learn more about Upland’s Layer 2 platform, and how real entrepreneurs can build something great in the metaverse.

Head on over to the beginner strategy page to find out more about specific strategy types.

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