It would be pretty cool if there was a racetrack driving by your home. Aside from the noise, the excitement of seeing race cars compete without having to leave the comfort of your own home sounds like a lot of fun. With the Upland metaverse being mapped to the real world, players have the ability to design their own racetracks. You and your friends can create competitions and compete for pride, honor, UPX and other great prizes in the future. Every time a race is held, the owner of the track will receive a 5% royalty. Learn more about racing for stakes, and how each prize pool is calculated. Learn about the process of creating a race track below, and browse the different types and sizes of speedway metaventures and how to create a racetrack here.

Players will be able to race both cars and karts on these tracks. Karts will be in general cheaper than cars. The primary differences between them are that players who design karts have much more freedom in their design of the karts, and that karts are for racing only. They do not have the utility to ship goods or transport players across the metaverse. Learn more about the differences in this video.

Below is the process for registering and getting your speedway metaventure approved. For an introduction to registering for metaventures, click here.

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