Upland Legits are digital collectible NFTs that have the capability of having in game utility attached to them. Having an element of utility can make these NFTs more desirable than owning them just for their collectability aspect. In fact, the whole concept of NFTs enables someone to provide utility or benefits to the asset holder. In Upland, all the assets you own are NFTs – properties, block explorers, vehicles, etc. Upland Legits are a group of NFTs that have different kinds of utility. In the future you will be able to show off your Legits in your Upland Home, and maybe sell them through art gallery metaventures.

Different categories of Legits can be sold in different types of metaventures. The types of Legits that don’t have a specific category can be bought and sold in Variety Legits metaventures. At the moment there are different kinds of Legits:

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