Genesis Week is the celebration of the minting of the first property in Upland on June 6th, 2019. There are a number of block explorers that were sold, won, and given away during Genesis Week. All these block explorers are detailed below, and more info can also be found in the Upland Guide Block Explorer Directory. Our Block Explorer Metaventure – Dale’s Deluxe Drivers in Manhattan specializes in many high end block explorers including all Genesis Week themed explorers. Learn more about the shop here, and inquire with YK2012 if you are looking to sell any of your explorers from Genesis Week.
Purchased block explorers
The following block explorers were purchased from the Upland Store:
$3,000 = Inferno + 3,000,000 UPX
$1,000 = Chaos + 1,000,000 UPX
$400 = Frostbite + 400,000 UPX

Earned block explorers
- Genesis ’23 Facemelter – Awarded to top 50 treasure finders in Treasure Rush Mode throughout Genesis Week
- Genesis ’23 Trader – Thrifty Trader
- Genesis ’23 Harmonic – Awarded to the top 100 players in the Genesis Challenge
- Genesis ’23 Superfest – Awarded to scavenger hunt winners
- Genesis ’23 Equilizer – Awarded to players who claimed a Genesis tier treasure
- Genesis ’23 Voltage – Awarded as daily giveaways to people who participated in the Genesis Challenge

These block explorers were awarded to players who attended Genesis Week ’23 in person at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas
- registration for in person events for genesis week in Las Vegas
- Awarded to players who attended Genesis Week 2022 and 2023
- early bird registration for in person events for genesis week in Las Vegas