For players who are racing fans, and specifically of Stock Car Pro Series, collecting Legits is an exciting part of the Metaverse. Upland’s partnership with the Stock Car Pro in Brazil gives players an opportunity to own digital collectibles of their favorite drivers and teams. Grow your fan score by collecting Essentials, Passes and Mementos and by placing them in collections. Learn more about Stock Car Pro Legits, cars and block explorers.
Players are able to open Racing Legits Shops to sell these Legits on the secondary market. Metaventure owners can earn commission when a player sells a Legit through the owner’s shop. Learn how to be a sub merchant and sell your Legits in a metaventure, and for the entrepreneurs here you can learn more about registering for a metaventure or see below the specific requirements for setting up your Racing Legits Shop metaventure.
Why do this? What are the objectives?
Have the ability to manage your own store to sell your own assets (Legits/Block Explorers/etc.) or assets of others as they can list in your store as a sub-merchant.
Increase economic activity in a specific neighborhood or node. Having metaventures in a neighborhood will increase its neighborhood score. Neighborhoods with high scores can spawn new collection.
Create a brand. In the future, different types of Metaventures can be opened. If you are looking to create a brand for yourself or a chain of stores, you may want to start with one of the available types of Metaventures.
What resources are required?
A fully completed structure on the property you wish to open the metaventure (excluding micro home, factory or showroom). The property can not be on sale, on offer, or set as your Upland home address.
The applicant must have a minimum amount of owned inventory (varies per metaventure type)
Upland- they required to approve your application. You must apply for a metaventure at a city hall location located within the city you wish to operate your metaventure. The city hall is owned by Upland which uses the uplandbureau account.
You, as the player applying for a Metaventure. You must be an Uplander status or higher and player in good standing (not in Alcatraz - Upland's jail)
Graphic designer (optional) for creating shop logos.
Address of proposed metaventure location. Make sure to check out this tip before you decide what city you want to open up shop in.
Metaventure name (30 character limit including spaces, no special characters). It cannot feature the word “Upland” or any other IP. Additionally, the name must be unique from all other Metaventures of the same type (i.e. You can have a Block Explorer Shop named ‘123 Shop’ and a Racing Legit Shop named ‘123 Shop’, but not two Block Explorer Shops named ‘123 Shop’)
Proposed shop description (425 characters including links)
Home page background - 891 x 600 (pictured below in the center of the image)
Desktop background - 1920 x 1080 (pictured below as the background image)
Portrait background - 1080 x 1920 (the background image as seen on a mobile device)
What outputs are produced?
An approved Metaventure
You will be able to list your own inventory for sale as well as allow other players to do the same as sub-merchants.
How is it done?
Travel to the city hall located in the city where you wish to open your metaventure. The city hall can easily identified on the map, as it is located at the property attached to this icon.