For players who are racing fans, and specifically of Stock Car Pro Series, collecting Legits is an exciting part of the Metaverse. Upland’s partnership with the Stock Car Pro in Brazil gives players an opportunity to own digital collectibles of their favorite drivers and teams. Grow your fan score by collecting Essentials, Passes and Mementos and by placing them in collections. Learn more about Stock Car Pro Legits, cars and block explorers.

Players are able to open Racing Legits Shops to sell these Legits on the secondary market. Metaventure owners can earn commission when a player sells a Legit through the owner’s shop. Learn how to be a sub merchant and sell your Legits in a metaventure, and for the entrepreneurs here you can learn more about registering for a metaventure or see below the specific requirements for setting up your Racing Legits Shop metaventure.

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