If you haven’t yet been convinced about joining Upland, check out this page why you should join. Despite being founded in 2019, the game is still being developed and new features are constantly being added. The blockchain is a new technology, and Upland are innovators and trailblazers in the space. The game is still in beta phase, and as an early adopter, being patient now will hopefully pay off in the future.

Now that you are convinced as to why Upland is a game worth playing, here is a list of what functionalities exist in Upland and why doing these things will help you to better establish your presence in the Metaverse, and help to grow your in game net worth.

Note that only a select few features in the Upland roadmap are included in the table below.

What you can do in UplandDescriptionWhy do this?
Immediate benefits
Why do this?
Future benefits
buy/sell/trade assetscollect in game possessions that consist of:
block Explorers
NFLPA Legits
Spirit Legits
Either to collect them or for the purpose of reselling them to a collectorsame as immediate benefits
Mint propertiesPurchase properties from Upland directly - these are properties that have yet to be discovered and owned by someone.1. By owning land, you earn 14.7% annually of its mint price (before relevant collection bonuses).
2. You can start building your first home (assuming you have spark)
3. You can sell it for a profit (UPX or USD)
1. Build other inanimate portable objects on your land.
2. Build living objects such as trees or animals on your properties
Buy properties on the secondary marketPurchase properties with UPX or USD from other players1. Own a property that you weren't able to mint.
2. Own in cities that were sold out prior to you joining the Metaverse
3. Complete collections in order to earn boosted earnings
4. Start building a home
1. Build other inanimate portable objects on your land.
2. Build living objects such as trees or animals on your properties
Make property collectionsOwning a specified number of properties in a predefined neighborhood or streetBy owning the properties required to create a collection you earn a one time bonus plus boosted earnings.Same as immediate benefits
Collect sendsIn order to travel to a specific property you require sends.1. Collect more sends
2. Search for a treasure
3. Travel to another city
4. Mint properties
Same as immediate benefits
Sell propertiesPut your properties up for sale on the secondary market for UPX or USD1. Earn more UPX so you can buy more properties
2. Earn USD
Same as immediate benefits
Participate in contests/challengesUpland has regular in game contests and challenges for the players to compete in.1. They are fun!
2. You can win UPX or sometimes spark
Same as immediate benefits
Participate in events and toursUpland holds regular live auctions, tours and other events.1. They are fun!
2. You can win prizes. On tours, you earn a custom block explorer
Same as immediate benefits
Build with sparkUse spark to build a structure on your property1. You have a cool 3D home on your property
2. By not using spark, it is being wasted.
3. Sell the property for a bigger price compared to properties without structures
1. You will need to define a primary residence
2. Display NFTs in your home
3. Develop your neighborhood in order to potentially spawn new collections
4. Open a business
Treasure HuntingWhen treasure hunting you are sending yourself to locations around the city in search of a treasure based on directional clues provided1. Win UPX
2. Win Spark
3. Compete against other players in riot mode
4. Climb the leaderboard
1. Great way to earn UPX if you can master the skill of treasure hunting.
2. Spark can help you build homes and other objects. This can factor into other long term strategies if you are able to utilize treasure hunting as a strategy
upload NFTs to UplandUpload Upland Cards from the WAX blockchain into the Upland. None1. Display Upland cards (and in the future other NFTs) in your home
2. Sell or trade NFTs
Trade LegitsOne for one trades of Legits can be done between two players.Trade a Legit you don't want for one that you do.

NFL Player related:
1. Trade for players or teams you are looking to collect, while offloading Legits that aren't wanted.
2. Increase your team's Fan Points by creating collections
For NFL Player Legits:
1. Increase your chances of minting Mementos of that team/player in the upcoming season.
2. Increase the chance of getting an Autograph of that player or team.
Build your NFL Player fan pointsPurchase and trade NFL player Legits to increase your fan points for a specific teamrise in the leaderboardplayers with higher fan points of a specific team will have a greater chance of minting Mementosor getting an autograph
Being the top 3 in fan points at the end of the season for a specific team will earn you a custom block explorer
Buy/sell block explorers or NFL player Legits Buy and sell on the secondary market in a MetavenutreCollectiblesBlock explorers will be used as drivers for your cars
Join Upland DiscordJoin Upland's Discord community!1. It's an awesome community
2. Keep up to date with all of Upland's announcements
3. Join a sub community
Same as immediate benefits
Transfer UPX Transfer UPX to another playerPay someone for servicesPay someone for services
